Voisimmeko olla avuksi?

Voimme antaa neuvoja
Käytätkö parasta mahdollista infrastruktuuria tai onko järjestelmäarkkitehtuurisi turvallinen? Entä voisiko palvelimesi optimoida tehokkaammaksi? Asiantuntijamme auttavat mielellään kaikissa IT:n kysymyksissänne.

Autamme suojautumaan verkkouhkilta
Me voimme arvioida ja testata organisaatiosi tietoturvan. Toimitamme myös ratkaisuja tiedon ja siihen liittyvän liiketoimintasi turvaamiseksi.

Voimme luoda sinulle ohjelmiston
Fed up with paying a fortune for cloud servers? Are you using the most efficient software? We provide you with the most cost-effective solution for your business model.

Säästämme varojasi
Maksatko omaisuuksia pilvipalvelimista tai käytätkö heikosti toimivia ohjelmistoja? Voimme auttaa löytämään kustannustehokkaampia ja toimivampia ratkaisuja, jotka sopivat liiketoimintaasi.

Teemme ohjelmistoistasi parempia
Teemme kaikkea innovatiivisista ohjelmistopäivityksistä integraatioihin. Me voimme parantaa ohjelmistojen suorituskykyä, nopeutta tai toiminnallisuutta ilman, että kaikkea tarvitsisi uusia.

Voit rakentaa oman IT -tiimin
Muodostamme tarpeisiisi sopivan osaajatiimin ja yhteistyöllä johdamme sen täyttämään tehtävällesi asettamasi tavoitteet.












Haluamme ymmärtää liiketoimintaasi
Jotta voisimme palvella paremmin tietojärjestelmätarpeissasi, haluamme ymmärtää liiketoimintaasi. Meillä on pitkä kokemus esimerkiksi oheisilta toimialoilta. Olemme nähneet, että kansainvälinen ymmärryksemme on ollut asiakkaillemme arvokasta.
/ 10
Asiakkainamme on niin pieniä start-up yrityksiä kuin suuria globaaleija korporaatioita. Teemme työtämme, että asiakkaamme saavat käyttöönsä erinomaiset digitaaliset ratkaisut.
Viimeisimmät projektimme





Node JS








Tarkoitukseen sopiva teknologia
Valitsemme ratkaisut tarpeen mukaan ja olemme joustavia. Erityisosaamisemme on oheisissa teknologioissa. Jos tarpeenne ja järjestelmänne perustuvat muihin vaihtoehtoihin, niin mielellämme etsimme ratkaisuja laaja-alaisesti.
Haluaisimme kuulla sinusta. Ole yhteydessä tai jätä yhteydenottopyyntö.
Yrityksemme pääkonttori on Tsekeissä, jossa myös ohjelmointityö toteutetaan. Meillä on edustus Suomessa ja Britanniassa. Olemme globaali yhtiö, joka toimii parhaillaan 13 eri maan liike-elämässä. Suomessa voit ottaa meihin yhteyttä Erno Säisäsen kautta.

Contact in Finland

“Brilliant communicators who deliver amazing work at supremely affordable prices”

"They are supremely affordable, brilliant at communication and their work product is amazing. The quote our lead developer gave me after their first hackathon together: ‘I haven't worked with such bright people outside a university lab'
The most common problem people have with outsourcing abroad is poor communication. But we really couldn’t have asked for better, clear and reliable communication with these guys. "

James Buchanan

"Working with SnowlyCode on our internal system has been very beneficial for SatoshiLabs. SnowlyCode are professionals in their field, they proactively worked with us on our product solution, after listening to our requirements they designed a functional and technically innovative solution which they then produced to an excellent quality. The entire process and collaboration was seamless and professional.”

Jan Kovarik
Community manager

„The Snowlycode team completed everything on time, communicated effectively and went above and beyond in all the projects we assigned them at Economia. Their team is extremely professional, full of energy and enthusiasm. They also have expert architects and analysts on their team who have helped us solve several complex problems.“

Petr Bechyne
Head of IT
Economia a.s.

"I have worked with Snowlycode and their experts on projects related to FE development and setting up principles for mobile development projects. Not only do they have excellent technical knowledge, but they are also able to help with application architecture design and team management. Their work has always been done well with a focus on the outcome I set at the beginning or during."

Lenka Koňušíková
Director of Portal and Mobile Solution
Trask Solution a.s.

"What we appreciate about our long-term cooperation with SnowlyCode is the professional and proactive approach. Thanks to their systematic and regular care, our projects are moving in the desired direction. Communication with SnowlyCode has been absolutely seamless since the beginning of our cooperation. They seek solutions to our complex requirements with us to mutual satisfaction."

Jan Tobolka
Senior Yield Manager

"In SnowlyCode we have found a reliable partner. They always deliver a working solution and meet deadlines. We appreciate Snowly Code's flexibility and speed in implementing our requirements. They also help us to increase the monetization of the websites we represent."

Karel Suk
Head of Digital Sales

"They are supremely affordable, brilliant at communication and their work product is amazing. The quote our lead developer gave me after their first hackathon together: ‘I haven't worked with such bright people outside a university lab'
The most common problem people have with outsourcing abroad is poor communication. But we really couldn’t have asked for better, clear and reliable communication with these guys. "

James Buchanan

"Working with SnowlyCode on our internal system has been very beneficial for SatoshiLabs. SnowlyCode are professionals in their field, they proactively worked with us on our product solution, after listening to our requirements they designed a functional and technically innovative solution which they then produced to an excellent quality. The entire process and collaboration was seamless and professional.”

Jan Kovarik
Community manager

„The Snowlycode team completed everything on time, communicated effectively and went above and beyond in all the projects we assigned them at Economia. Their team is extremely professional, full of energy and enthusiasm. They also have expert architects and analysts on their team who have helped us solve several complex problems.“

Petr Bechyne
Head of IT
Economia a.s.

"I have worked with Snowlycode and their experts on projects related to FE development and setting up principles for mobile development projects. Not only do they have excellent technical knowledge, but they are also able to help with application architecture design and team management. Their work has always been done well with a focus on the outcome I set at the beginning or during."

Lenka Koňušíková
Director of Portal and Mobile Solution
Trask Solution a.s.

"What we appreciate about our long-term cooperation with SnowlyCode is the professional and proactive approach. Thanks to their systematic and regular care, our projects are moving in the desired direction. Communication with SnowlyCode has been absolutely seamless since the beginning of our cooperation. They seek solutions to our complex requirements with us to mutual satisfaction."

Jan Tobolka
Senior Yield Manager

"In SnowlyCode we have found a reliable partner. They always deliver a working solution and meet deadlines. We appreciate Snowly Code's flexibility and speed in implementing our requirements. They also help us to increase the monetization of the websites we represent."

Karel Suk
Head of Digital Sales
Haluamme, että työmme laatu on vaikuttavaa

"Collaborating with ShowlyCode was simply amazing! Their technical expertise, commitment, and ability to quickly solve problems led to the smooth development of our IT projects. Communication was excellent, and their approach to work and collaboration was truly professional. ShowlyCode is not only our current partner but also a valuable resource for future collaborations"
Miloš Halecký
CTO & Co-Founder

"They are supremely affordable, brilliant at communication and their work product is amazing. The quote our lead developer gave me after their first hackathon together: ‘I haven't worked with such bright people outside a university lab'
The most common problem people have with outsourcing abroad is poor communication. But we really couldn’t have asked for better, clear and reliable communication with these guys. "
James Buchanan

"Working with SnowlyCode on our internal system has been very beneficial for SatoshiLabs. SnowlyCode are professionals in their field, they proactively worked with us on our product solution, after listening to our requirements they designed a functional and technically innovative solution which they then produced to an excellent quality. The entire process and collaboration was seamless and professional.”
Jan Kovařík
Community manager

"I have worked with Snowlycode and their experts on projects related to FE development and setting up principles for mobile development projects. Not only do they have excellent technical knowledge, but they are also able to help with application architecture design and team management. Their work has always been done well with a focus on the outcome I set at the beginning or during."
Lenka Koňušíková
Director of Portal and Mobile Solution

„The Snowlycode team completed everything on time, communicated effectively and went above and beyond in all the projects we assigned them at Economia. Their team is extremely professional, full of energy and enthusiasm. They also have expert architects and analysts on their team who have helped us solve several complex problems.“
Petr Bechyně
Head of IT

"What we appreciate about our long-term cooperation with SnowlyCode is the professional and proactive approach. Thanks to their systematic and regular care, our projects are moving in the desired direction. Communication with SnowlyCode has been absolutely seamless since the beginning of our cooperation. They seek solutions to our complex requirements with us to mutual satisfaction."

Jan Tobolka
Senior Yield Manager

"In SnowlyCode we have found a reliable partner. They always deliver a working solution and meet deadlines. We appreciate Snowly Code's flexibility and speed in implementing our requirements. They also help us to increase the monetization of the websites we represent."
Karel Suk
Head of Digital Sales

“Our first year working with SnowlyCode has gone like clockwork. We can confidently say that they are the perfect partner for the integration of our Shoptet Pay solution. Our ‘above-standard requirements’ have always been met by them and we’ve had some brilliant results. The team, led by Michal Pospisil, are exceptional and we’re already looking forward to what innovations our future work together will bring”
Ondřej Buben
Head of Shoptet Pay
Haluamme, että työmme laatu on vaikuttavaa